October Issue, 2016

After the resignation of our Superintendent our district decided got a new one. The story showcases how they planned to fix our schools budget deficit. After only being on staff for one year this story was a big stepping stone, as it took time and preparation to interview the new Superintendent Adam Hartley. This was a story that I won first lace for at MIPA, I designed it as well.
November Issue, 2016

This was my first time really getting to dive into the writing process of a sports story. Gymnastics wasn't a common topic that was talked about amongst the students, so I was excited to showcase the sport.
October Issue, 2017
This was a news story that I decided to try and make a nation news story and add a local connection to it. So instead of just writing about the fact that professional athletes were kneeling, I took the angle of how our school feels about it as well as connecting the issue of if students have to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. I think this story was not only interesting but required work in the sense of checking to make sure that our school policy was constitutional.

March Issue, 2018
This was my first time being able to write a review of a movie that I truly enjoyed. This was for our LGBTQ+ issue that we did. The movie was nominated for the Academy Awards but wasn't widely talked about. This was a movie that not a lot of kids would think to watch.

My senior year, as Editor-in-Chief, I get to write a column of my choice, so I chose something that is my passion; politics. Here is where I'm able to speak my mind about issues that matter to me. Through this column, I wanted to spark conversation about issues on a national level. I wrote about topics that I have heard people discussing around the school. People disagree with it quite often but we encourage them to write a letter to the editors, so that they can speak about these topics as well.