
After seeing how the staff worked last year, I knew that things had to change. I decided that we as a staff were going to have a checklist for the deadline. I keep them all in a binder organized. At the end of an issue, they get a score based on meeting their deadline.
This year our school decided to switch from block scheduling to a six-hour day. This meant that on Monday, Wednesday and Friday we only have 58 minutes in class and on Tuesday and Thursday we only have 48 minutes. This has proven to be an obstacle the staff is learning how to overcome gradually. Because of this the Online Editor-in-Chief and I came up with a schedule for the class.

After seeing how the class was run for the years before me, I learned one thing; people don't like to get things done on time. So with the help of the checklist, I tried to be as organized as I could. The calendar is more specific about what I expect to be done on what time. It also includes when the section editors and I will be proofreading their stories so they can be prepared.